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Acceptable and Unacceptable Use of XNET WiFi APs and the XNET Network#

Acceptable Use#

  • Installation Compliance
    Installing XNET APs (Access Points) according to all manufacturer, XNET, and Wi-Fi best practices.

  • Proper Location
    Installing APs in business or public locations with high foot traffic and long dwell time, such as cafes, malls, or parks, ensuring legitimate use and automatic offload by users.
    Residential or private locations are not acceptable unless they meet these criteria. For more details, refer to Identifying Ideal Locations.

  • Accurate Location Reporting
    Providing the accurate location of the AP during registration to ensure proper network functioning and avoid disruptions.

  • Sufficient Internet Speed
    Ensuring the internet uplink provides enough bandwidth, guaranteeing at least 20 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload per user to maintain a good user experience.
    Typically, this means having gigabit internet where possible, as 1 Gbps can support 50 users at peak usage and potentially more during sustained periods.

  • Commercial-Grade Backhaul
    The backhaul connection must be commercial-grade (i.e. unlimited business internet plan), not subject to usage caps or throttling, and must provide consistent speeds to support multiple users.
    Cellular-based backhaul, whether business class or not, is unacceptable for XNET APs due to potential limitations in speed and reliability.

  • User Connection Method
    Allowing users to connect automatically to the XNET network without manual intervention, ensuring the network operates smoothly as designed.

  • Device Security & Integrity
    Ensuring the XNET AP is securely installed and free from tampering, ensuring data integrity and network reliability.

Unacceptable Use#

  • Lying About Registration Location
    Providing false location information during registration, which can disrupt network optimization and fair usage distribution.

  • Poor Installation Practices
    Installing APs in a way that does not follow XNET or Wi-Fi best practices, which could result in a poor user experience or signal degradation.

  • Inadequate Internet Speed
    Connecting an AP to an internet uplink that cannot guarantee at least 20 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload per user, leading to a suboptimal user experience.

  • Cellular-Based Backhaul
    Using cellular-based backhaul for APs, even if it is a business-class connection, is unacceptable as it may introduce performance issues, usage limits, or throttling.

  • Residential Installations
    Installing APs in residential areas or locations with low foot traffic and short dwell times, which would not get legitimate offload.
    APs must be installed in businesses or public areas to ensure proper use.

Fraudulent Use and Traffic Manipulation#

  • Traffic Manipulation
    Manipulating user traffic, AP configurations, or devices in a way that could harm network integrity, security, or performance.

  • Unusually High Usage
    Gaming the network by purposefully consuming unusually high bandwidth relative to the average user or session, leading to potential throttling or disruption for other users.

  • Manual Connection to APs
    Manually attempting to connect to XNET APs in any way unless explicitly directed by XNET Support, which could interfere with the automatic user offload process.

  • Using the AP as a Personal Router
    Using the XNET AP for personal use or as a personal router, which is a violation of the intended purpose of providing public access and offload.

  • Banned Devices, Operators, or Locations
    XNET reserves the right to ban any device, operator, or location at any time for violations of network policy.
    If the ban is imposed by an upstream partner, such as a carrier, the ban is non-revocable and must be adhered to indefinitely. For more details, refer to the Banned Devices List.

Additional Considerations#

  • Banned Devices List
    Ensure the use of only approved devices, avoiding any banned devices listed in the Banned Devices List.

  • Processing Time
    Even in situations that qualify as acceptable use, there may be a delay of up to 30 days between the registration of a device and the start of qualified data offload that would result in rewards being granted.
    Until the device is qualified, rewards will not start. It is imperative that you comply with this document to speed up that qualification process.

  • Purchasing Recommendations
    It is highly recommended to purchase your Wi-Fi access points from the official XNET store.
    These devices are brand new, include all required accessories, and are pre-provisioned for seamless activation on the network.

  • We do not recommend purchasing XNET devices from third-party unless you know the seller well.
    If you are considering purchasing a used XNET device, make sure to check it against the banned devices list to avoid issues with network onboarding.
    Banned devices cannot be reactivated and are not eligible for receiving rewards.